Cedar Hedge Trimming – St. Catharines
Cedar Hedge Trimming – St. Catharines – Have your cedar hedges trimmed to your liking, Call me for a Free Quote.
Cedar Hedge Trimming – St. Catharines – Frequently asked Questions
Cedar Hedge Trimming – St. Catharines – Frequently asked Questions – Is it o.k. to trim my cedar hedge now? Cedars are very versatile. When can I trim? You can trim a cedar hedge almost any time of the year. However, spring is the best time of year for pruning/trimming. Most cedar trees grow relatively consistently throughout the growing season, from late in the summer until early fall they push new growth, as long as there is moisture in the ground and the temperatures are not too high . By pruning cedars this time of year you are giving them the ultimate shape that you desire.
Cedar Hedge Trimming – St. Catharines – Cedar Hedge Tips
Cedar Hedge Trimming – St. Catharines – Cedar Hedge Tips – Autumn is a great time for planting all cedars! If your hedge has been ignored for several years you can still bring it under control by removing up to 1/3 of the foliage each year until it looks the way that you want it to. – A cedar hedge will live for 30 to 60 years depending on the variety and its’ location. It is not true that cedars attract mosquitoes: they get this reputation from growing in low/wet land where mosquitoes tend to breed.
Cedar Hedge Trimming – St. Catharines – Planting Tips
Cedar Hedge Trimming – St. Catharines – Planting Tips – Mark your line with a string or garden hose, to get the hedge straight. – Dig a trench ½ meter wide and 1/3 meter deep. – Back fill the bottom of the trench with triple mix (1/3 top soil, 1/3 peat and 1/3 compost) or planting mix – Stand your cedars upright in the trench before piling the remainder of the triple mix on their roots. – Once the cedars are lined up straight, plant them using triple mix and step firmly on the soil as you plant, making firm contact between the soil and the roots of the new trees. – Water thoroughly and stake every 2 meters with a ‘T’ bar or 2” X 2” stake, using heavy gage wire to secure them in place. – Most important! Don’t be too ambitious when choosing your new cedars! New trees about 1 meter high will establish much more quickly than large, 2 meter high specimens, unless the large trees have been nursery grown. Be patient! Your cedar hedge will grow and mature into a thing of beauty as time passes – and you attend to the annual trimming. You will have an investment that grows in value each year!