North End St. Catharines
Driveway Snow Clearing
St. Catharines
In much of the City provides mechanical sidewalk snow clearing. But in some parts, (mainly the core area), the city is unable to provide this service. The city is also asking all residents and business owners in those areas to clear the ice and snow from sidewalks adjacent to their properties within 12 hours of a snowfall. Clearing the ice and snow from the sidewalk in front of your home or business will make it safer for everyone.
Call or email now to ensure your driveway is cleared – By doing so will ensure that your driveway will be cleared.
Have the end of your driveway cleared after the City Plow has been by. Payment in cash, cheque, email transfer, billing by the month or per occasion, whatever is convenient for you. If you plan to use salt, please take care to use the proper amount and not use too much. Using alternative products such as clay kitty litter or sand is also a good idea.
Yard Cleanup Services
In St. Catharines we offer; Yard Cleanup, Grass thatching, Turf Builder Fertilizing, Crab Grass Prevention, Tree trimming, Eaves-trough and Downspout Cleaning, Power Washing, are now in FULL SWING
Falls Leaves - Yard Cleanup
& Lawn Care Services
Yard Cleanup, Grass thatching, Turf Builder Fertilizing, Crab Grass Prevention, Tree trimming, Eavestrough and Downspout Cleaning, Power Washing, are now in FULL SWING. For all of your Household and Yard needs, Don’t Loook any Further we do it all. Call John for a FREE Quote today!
John’s Home and Yard – St. Catharines – Weekly Grass Cutting and Trimming, Hedge Trimming, Hedges Removed, Tree Trimming, Powerwashing, Eavestrough Cleaning, Deck Building, Garage Construction, Drywall, Parging, Basement Finishing, Roofing. We do it all, Please Call for a Free Quote Today.
Payment in cash, cheque, email transfer, billing by the month or per occasion, whatever is convenient for you.
Is something broken in your home that you can’t fix? Need some painting or drywall done? Get a Free Quote Today!
Call John Today! 905-347-0295
Home Services
In St. Catharines – Home & Yard Services – Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, more than just yard services, cleaning out the gutters before the fall leaves begin their damage
Lawn Dethatching is one of the best things that you can do for your lawn. Thatch is a build upp of grass clipping, decayed or decaying leaves that turns into a mat of tangled,
f you own a home one of the most important items to maintain are your eavestroughs / gutters, downspouts and downspout extensions. As a homeowner here in St. Catharines, I’ve seen what water can do to a home over a short period of time.
Yard Services
In St. Catharines – Home & Yard Services – Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, more than just yard services, cleaning out the gutters before the fall leaves begin their damage
Fall Leaf and Yard Cleanup – St. Catharines – Have all of your leaves raked and removed from your yard, before the snow settles in.
Driveway Snow Clearing
Call or email now to ensure your driveway is cleared – We will have the end of your driveway cleared after the City Plow has been by.
Need Same Day Service?
We will find a way to fit you into our schedule, whether it’s cutting your lawn, clearing your snow, yard cleanup, leaf removal, eavestrough cleaning, fall fertilizing, painting. Is something broken in your home that you can’t fix? Need some painting or drywall done? Maybe you bought something that you need to have put together? Get a Free Quote, I’m only a phone call/text or email away!